Meeting Minutes JULY 24, 2019

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JULY 24, 2019, 6:00 PM

  • 1. CALL TO ORDER: The July 24th, 2019, Meeting of the Clay Township Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Andy Kietzman, and those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Andy Kietzman, Supervisors Jeff Haukebo and Norm Leistikow, Treasurer Del Holz, and Clerk Margie Vik. Absent: None. Others Present: Matt Lichter.
  • 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented.
    • A. Clay Township Regular Meeting Minutes-May 22, 2019: A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Kietzman, and unanimously carried to approve the Clay Township Regular Meeting Minutes for May 22nd, 2019, as presented.
    • A. Hubbard County Township Association Meeting: Leistikow presented a written report of the Hubbard County Township Association meeting in Farden on July 15th, 2019, which he attended.
    • B. Minnesota State Demographers Office: Vik reported the Clay Township 2018 population and household counts to the board.
    • C. Minnesota Association of Township Meeting Notice: The Minnesota Association of Townships will hold their District 11 meeting on August 21st, 2019.
    • A. Eagle Scout Project Update: Matt Lichter stated with help he has had the area dozed for the helipad, a driveway was installed, the paver bricks have been painted, the windsock pole and frame will be installed. They will level the area and cover it with grass seed. Build out day will be Sunday, July 28th. They will be pouring a cement pad for the pole, and installing the pole and the wind sock. Once it’s done letters will go out to Essentia Health, Sanford Health, the fire departments, and first responders indicating the location of the helipad. Many individuals and agencies have helped financially or with in-kind donations, including Cumbers Construction, Itasca Mantrap Electric, Flying W Gardens, Andy Kietzman, Mark and Margie Vik, Emmaville Store, and Dustin Lof. If anyone would like to help, they could come to the site on the 28th at 2:00 p.m.
      Kietzman stated he talked to members of the fire department and Hubbard County First Responders, and the flight crew from North Memorial. They are all excited about this project being in this part of the county and are very impressed with Mr. Lichter.
      Lichter stated in the past there was a drowning victim on a nearby lake. Emergency crews had to close down County Highway 4 to airlift that individual out of here. He decided to help with that problem in case it’s ever needed again in our area. Haukebo stated he believes that if the snow isn’t too deep in the winter the helicopter can still land because the rotors blow the snow away. Kietzman stated the helicopter pilots like to see either a grass or concrete landing pad. Gravel or sand can blow up into the engine.
    • B. Jack Fish Road Update: Kietzman reported he talked to Sheriff Aukes about the speed issue on Jack Fish Road. Aukes said the lowest speed on a non-county road is 40 miles an hour. He didn’t know how or why those 15 miles an hour signs were put up. He cannot enforce a 15 mile an hour speed there. Maybe someone put up those signs on their own. The only way to change the speed is to conduct a speed study. He also didn’t encourage speed bumps on the road. If someone incurs damage to their vehicle the governmental agencies could be held responsible. If the residents feel unsafe walking on the road, they should choose not to walk there. He said to encourage the residents to call the sheriff’s department with issues. Haukebo stated he would call the township’s attorney for his opinion about installing speed bumps.
  • 7. APPROVAL OF TREASURERS REPORT: Holz stated in his opinion all of the previous township’s minutes are incorrect because they reflect estimated numbers for wages, stipends, and tax withholdings. After discussion, the board concluded that in the future, the treasurer’s report would become part of the approved minutes. Holz reviewed his report with the Supervisors. Kietzman requested reimbursement for the purchase of the wind sock for the helipad.
    A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to approve the treasurer’s report and to pay the outstanding invoices

    A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Kietzman, and unanimously carried to approve the invoice for paint for the bricks for the helipad in the amount of $36.11.
  • ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Haukebo, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m.
_______________________________ ATTEST: Chair Andy Kietzman
______________________________ Margie M. Vik Township Clerk

JULY 24, 2019, 6:46 PM

  • 1. CALL TO ORDER: The Annual Meeting of the Clay Township Board was reconvened at 6:46 p.m. by Chair Andy Kietzman. A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Haukebo, and unanimously carried to reconvene the March 12th, 2019, annual meeting.V
  • 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Supervisors Andy Kietzman, Norm Leistikow, and Jeff Haukebo, Treasurer Del Holz, and Clerk Margie Vik. Absent: None. Others Present: None.
  • 3. FINAL LEVY: Holz recommended setting the levy as was approved by the voters at the annual meeting in March. A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Haukebo, and unanimously carried to approve the final Clay Township levy in the amount of $50,000.00, as stated at the annual meeting, as follows:
    General Fund $24,000.00
    Road & Bridge Fund $25,000.00
    Building Fund 0.00
    TOTAL $49,000.00
  • 4. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Haukebo, and unanimously carried to adjourn the annual meeting at 6:46 p.m.
_______________________________ ATTEST: Chair Andy Kietzman ______________________________ Margie M. Vik Township Clerk