Meeting Minutes May 26, 2021

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May 26, 2021, 6:00 PM

  • 1. CALL TO ORDER: The May 26th, 2021, Meeting of the Clay Township Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Andy Kietzman, and those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Andy Kietzman, Supervisors Jeff Haukebo and Norm Leistikow, Treasurer Del Holz, and Clerk Margie Vik. Absent: None. Others Present: None.
  • 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented.
    • A. Clay Township Regular Meeting Minutes-April 28, 2021: A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to approve the Clay Township Regular Meeting Minutes for April 28th, 2021, as presented.
    • A. Township Hall Rentals: Kietzman stated he was contacted by Cynthia Smith who is interested in using the new townhall for a yoga class. She previously made a donation to the Conservation Club for it’s use for her classes. The hall won’t be ready for use until approximately sometime in July. Haukebo stated we haven’t discussed whether or not we are even going to rent it out. Kietzman stated it could be a possible income source, but I don’t want to be responsible for making that decision. There is only a small septic holding tank, which we’d have to pump out if it’s used too much. Who’s going to check on those things if we start renting it out? Haukebo stated the Mantrap Conservation Club is the available for rent and I don’t want us to be in competition with them. It could also make a difference on our insurance. Holz stated this would not be a simple thing. It’s not heated in the winter, and we never intended it would take people away from the conservation club. Vik stated the hall is currently exempt from property taxes. You could lose your tax-exempt status if you start renting it out for profit. Kietzman stated he would tell Smith that the board will check on insurance and tax issues before making any decisions. Haukebo suggested bringing the issue to the next annual meeting.
    • B. Second Set of Financial Records: Haukebo stated he is working on establishing the second set of books for the township’s records but has not been receiving the bank statements in a timely fashion. It’s tough to do with incomplete information. Kietzman stated what we’ll be doing will cover the township’s basic expenses and income, which is what is required by the state and will meet acceptable practices.
    • C. Thank You Card: Vik stated she received a thank you card from the Headwaters Animal Shelter regarding the township’s donation to them.
    • A. Township Construction Update: Kietzman stated the floor is in, as well as the toilet and vanity. There is now class 5 in the parking lot. The helipad has been touched up, and the furniture has been ordered. The July meeting will be scheduled at the new hall. Haukebo questioned what was done about the crack in the concrete. Kietzman stated the concrete settled after the frost, which is normal. It was nothing that was especially worrisome. You can’t even see it anymore.
    • B. Road Work: Kietzman stated Carr’s Tree Service will take care of the tree issues on Jigsaw Drive at the end of June. The cost is estimated to be $1,500.00.
    • C. Computers: Kietzman stated the actual cost of the two new computers is higher than the original estimate of $1,500.00, because of the additional software program for Del’s computer and the sales tax. The total cost now is $1,650.00. A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to approve the additional expense, for a total of $1,615.64, for the two new township computers.
  • 7. APPROVAL OF TREASURERS REPORT: Holz presented his written treasurer’s report to the board (see attached). Holz stated the report will also include expenses for the furniture for the townhall, and SLL Inc. Kietzman stated he would provide a billing statement and would not be voting on the expense because of a conflict of interest. Holz stated that the township’s Edward Jones account is still available, but is inactive, if we ever need it again. Kietzman stated that’s good just incase we have any funds left over from our building project. A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Leistikow, to approve the treasurer’s report and to pay the outstanding invoices.
    The vote was called. Haukebo and Leistikow voted in favor. Kietzman abstained. The motion carried.
  • 8. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Haukebo, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:42 p.m.
_______________________________ ATTEST: Chair Andy Kietzman
______________________________ Margie M. Vik Township Clerk