Meeting Minutes April 28, 2021

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Township of Clay Board Meeting
April 28, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Via Telephone Conference
Park Rapids MN 56470

  • Call to Order: The April 28th, 2021, Meeting of the Clay Township Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Andy Kietzman, and those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Roll Call: Present: Andy Kietzman, Supervisors Jeff Haukebo and Norm Leistikow, Treasurer Del Holz, and Clerk Margie Vik. Others Present: None.
  • Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented.
  • Approval of the Minutes: A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to approve the Clay Township Regular Meeting minutes from March 24th, 2021, as presented.
  • 5. New Business:
    • Tree Issue: Kietzman stated a resident on Jigsaw Drive reported there were trees down and also unhealthy trees. After visiting the site, he determined that there are trees that should come down, but is unsure of where the road easement is and where the township's responsibility begins and ends. If the township wants the bad trees gone, then the property owner is okay with that. The smart thing to do would be to hire a tree service. Ordering a survey would be expensive and it won't save us anything in the long run. If the tree falls into the roadway, then the township would be responsible to clear it out anyway. Haukebo questioned what is the point of view of the surrounding residents? Kietzman stated I haven't polled anyone. The only property owner affected is Art Smith and he wants the trees gone. It's the responsibility of the township to make the roadways safe. A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Kietzman, and unanimously carried to take down the damaged and unhealthy trees, contingent upon Art Smith being willing to allow that activity on his property, and attests to that in writing.
    • Road Work: Kietzman questioned which road is on the schedule for regraveling this year, since Cumber's need to plan for it. Leistikows stated they are taking care of it.
    • Sentence to Serve: Kietzman stated the STS Program helped with the landscaping at the helipad in 2020. They spent 17 ½ hours cutting the grass there. I feel we should work with them again this year. They accept financial assistance to cover their costs. This is not a donation. They will be paid for the service they are providing the township. Holz stated if someone got hurt there they could sue the township. Kietzman stated the Sentence to Serve Program is covered under Hubbard County's liability insurance policy. A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Haukebo, and unanimously carried to support the Sentence to Serve Program with $150.00 for their time working in Clay Township.
    • County Variance Application: Haukebo stated Loren Pullet has applied to Hubbard County for a variance for an art studio on the lakeside, and is also building a minor deck and doing some landscaping. What he is doing there does not affect the township's zoning ordinance. He has asked for a letter stating that. I have already done that so as not to hold up his project.
    • Assessor's Contract: Vik reported she has received a request from Loren Tollkinen, doing business as SLL Inc., to renew his contract with the township for assessor services. The new five year contract will be $8.68 per record, in this year, and a 3% increase for each year of the following 4 years. These terms are essentially the same as the previous agreement. A motion was made by Leistikow, seconded by Kietzman, and unanimously carried to approve the new five year contract with SLL Inc., and to authorize it's execution.
  • Old Business:
    • Townhall Construction: Kietzman stated the town hall project is on track. The flooring contractor has been there to prep the floor. After the floor is done, the furniture can be ordered, but a credit card is needed for that. The township doesn't have one, so I am willing to use mine, but I'd like to be reimbursed immediately so I can cover the expense and not incur interest charges. Holz stated that sounds reasonable. Haukebo questioned what are you buying? Kietzman stated padded chairs and a cart to put them on, 4 to 6 folding tables, a table for the board to sit at with nicer chairs, along with some various other items like trash cans, etc.
  • Approval of Treasurer's Report: Holz read the report into the record. (See attached). A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Haukebo, and unanimously carried to approve the treasurer's report and the pay the outstanding invoices, including $150.00 for the Sentence to Serve Program's equipment fund.
  • Adjournment: A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Leistikow, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
_______________________________ ATTEST: Chair Andy Kietzman
______________________________ Margie M. Vik Township Clerk