Meeting Minutes April 27, 2022

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APRIL 27, 2022, 6:00 PM
18650-290th STREET

  • 1. CALL TO ORDER: The April 27th, 2022, Meeting of the Clay Township Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Andy Kietzman, and those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Andy Kietzman, Supervisors Jeff Haukebo and Mike Lichter, Treasurer Del Holz, and Clerk Margie Vik. Absent: None. Others Present: None.
  • 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Lichter, and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as presented.
    • A. Clay Township Regular Meeting Minutes-March 23, 2022: A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Lichter, and unanimously carried to approve the Clay Township Regular Meeting Minutes for March 23rd, 2022, as presented.
    • B. Clay Township Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting Minutes-April 19, 2022: A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Lichter, and unanimously carried to approve the Clay Township Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting Minutes for April 19th, 2022, as presented.
    • A. Hunting on Township Property: Kietzman stated he was questioned by a township property owner if he could hunt on the township’s property. He should be able to since this is public land. I can tell him yes, if he’s respectful. Lichter stated I’m only aware of state statutes regarding hunting regulations on private land with respect to the location and distance from structures, but they are silent as to hunting on public land. Haukebo stated we can say yes, as long as he abides by state hunting rules.
    • B. Boundary Change Request: Haukebo stated The Conservation Fund plans to sell 46.06 acres to Hubbard County. It is located south of Jasmine Drive and west of County Road 4, next to the gravel pit. They have provided the required language to change the boundary line to accommodate a proposed bike trail to Itasca Park. This doesn’t violate our zoning ordinance. Parks/trails are allowed in the Conservation Zoning District. They are requesting the township’s approval. Supervisor Lichter stated he would be abstaining from the vote since he deals with this agency as part of his full-time job.
      A motion was made by Haukebo, seconded by Kietzman, to approve the boundary change as requested by The Conservation Fund as stated below:
      We the Clay Township Board of Supervisors, County of Hubbard, State of Minnesota hereby approve the Boundary Line Adjustment Application request, submitted by the Conservation Fund, to move the parcel line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Section thirty-three (33), Township 142 North, Range 34 West (PID 04.33.00900). Parcel 04.33.00900 will be described as The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE ¼ of NW ¼) INCLUDING the Westerly 200’ of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW ¼ of NE ¼), All in Section 33, Township 142 North, Range 34 West, PID 04.33.00800 will be described as The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW ¼ of NE ¼) EXCEPT the Westerly 200’, All in Section 33, Township 142 North, Range 34 West.
      The vote was called.
      The following Supervisors voted yes: Kietzman, Haukebo.
      The following Supervisors voted no. None.
      The following Supervisor abstained: Lichter.
      The motion carried 2-0.
    • A. Town Hall Rental: Kietzman stated he received a letter from Cynthia Smith which withdraws her request from consideration to rent the town hall. He read her letter which stated that one of the repeated justifications for the building was to provide a space for community use. Yet it was my observation at the meeting that I attended that those present had reservations and were not ready to reach a conclusion about such use. The suggestion that a deposit be made by an approved user comes with the additional burden of inspections for both a township official and for the user, of which I am not willing to do. Kietzman added that he did not bring the draft rental form for consideration tonight since the urgency of its need is no longer present.
  • 7. APPROVAL OF TREASURERS REPORT: Holz stated he has been trying to submit the requested information for the ARP funds received for the township. The deadline for submission was April 30th, but we have been granted an extension, due to the fact that they are backed up. My software and the government’s software are not compatible. I have spent numerous hours trying to submit this. Kietzman and Lichter stated they would help Holz solve this computer system issue to get the information submitted. Holz presented his written treasurer’s report to the board (see attached). A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Lichter, and unanimously carried to approve the treasurer’s report and to pay the outstanding invoices.
  • 8. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Kietzman, seconded by Lichter, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m.
_______________________________ ATTEST: Chair Andy Kietzman
______________________________ Margie M. Vik Township Clerk